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feminine hygiene in the old west

10935: Ladies’ Faultless Serviette Supporter,  made of soft sateen with a rubber band across hips. The “cut”, a.k.a. At least the Sears offering of sanitary napkins are apparently meant to be washed. Sanitary aprons … Obviously there wasn’t any Secret, Degree, Old Spice or Gillette, so what did they do to keep the big bad B.O. You know, like a necklace or a garter, because nothing else can put you off the mood of procreation like a pair of weasel balls! Because nothing will work like a birth control made of fruit salad followed by a little sip of something sweet! Trail Traffic Jams. However, there were still women who had to deal with this regular annoyance and tried to handle it in as practical a way as possible. Physicians at the time thought that bathing in water wasn’t a good idea and cautioned people against it, although hands and faces were usually washed daily. Phoenix, Arizona, 7 June, 1906. Extra by mail (whatever that means) = $0.12. Item No. According to the advertisements, the devices were used for post-coital cleanliness and to (with additives such as alum, baking soda, or vinegar) reduce the risk of pregnancy. At the same time, they also offered other such gross options for birth control, including charms made from donkey poop, a mule’s uterus, or a specific bone from a black cat (but you had to be sure the fur was dark enough, otherwise it wouldn’t work). Women often used a variety of home-made menstrual pads which they crafted from various fabrics, or other absorbent materials, to collect menstrual blood. You think you have traffic problems? According to Wikipedia, advertisements in the Victorian era were intentionally vague as taboos prevented open discussion of feminine hygiene, birth control, or menses. Women often used a variety of home-made menstrual pads which they crafted from various fabrics, or other absorbent materials, to collect menstrual blood. Women generally had worse dental hygiene than men due to vitamin loss from pregnancy. Since it was fashionable, they didn’t consider – or care – that it might be fatal. That was SO not the case for women living in ancient times, medieval times, Victorian England, or even as recently as the 1960s! Website for moms seeking advice, community, and entertainment. In the 17th and 18th centuries specifically, women of nobility were known to shave or pluck out their eyebrows in their entirety, and stick false eyebrows made from furry mouse skin! Tampons were said to have originated with the ancient Egyptians, who recommended that a woman mix dirt, honey, and galena (a mineral), wrap it in linen, and stuff it inside herself. It would be pretty embarrassing if their knowledge of plants failed them and they ended up using something like poison ivy! Other than the ridiculously wealthy, the 19th century Americans didn’t harbor “use and dispose” attitudes. They would pin folded fabric with flat cotton padding to their underwear and wash and re-use them. in Historical Fiction? Female needs are often overlooked in the prepping mindset of survival in the event of a … There were also specially made “sanitary aprons and bloomers” that could be ordered through the mail during a woman’s time of the month, but these were designed to prevent staining, not absorb blood. Impoverished women and those living in rural areas simply let nature take its course when they were on their monthly, often leaking right into their clothes. MATTIE SILKS (1845-1929) Mattie Silks became on the best known madams in the west, having brothels in Dodge City, Kansas … In many parts of the country especially in … Each = $0.25. [sic] Each, 4c. Hygiene in the Old West - Folks didn’t know about such things as spreading germs back then. (Ouch!) She would rarely wash her face and apply more and more layers of ceruse instead. Using perfumes was widely popular even in the middle ages. Price, box of one doz…40c. These 30 Hygiene Practices From The Past Are So Gross, They're Funny ... dentistry, and even feminine care. & 9 Other Facts About The It's Always Sunny Actor, 10 Best Sitcom Boyfriends Since The 2000s, 10 Things You Didn't Know About Zooey Deschanel, The 10 Best Celebrity Engagement Rings, Ranked By Cost, 5 Workout Classes Scorpio Would Love (& 5 They Would Hate), 5 Traits That Make Virgo Men Amazing Partners (& 5 To Watch Out For). The whole concept of “free bleeding” is pretty taboo now (although it’s a totally natural thing to do). For women hitting the trail, knowledge of proper hygiene is essential to having an enjoyable hike. Source: Through the ages: A Brief history of your period, Ladies’ Faultless Serviette Supporter, advertised in the Montgomery Ward & Co. catalog, spring and summer, 1895. Even though it was a taboo topic, there are a few fascinating tidbits relating to hooking up in the Old West. (Can you imagine the smell? And even though many mothers are opting for natural childbirth, they’d probably be better off skipping the dung. Your email address will not be published. Montgomery Ward catalog 1895, Ladies’ syringes vaginal discharge. Essentially, the lemon would be like a little cap for the man, although we can’t imagine that this dubious practice was pleasurable for men or women, because, wow, that would hurt! Item No. As a result, “… This definitely puts phrase is that beauty is pain way too far. Way back when, there were no Tampax or Playtex, but there were other (less sanitary) means of preventing your flow from leaking in public. Ladie’s Doily Belt. Surprisingly, he wasn’t totally off the mark. Childbirth is the most excruciating thing a woman’s body can go through, which is why so many drugs have been developed to help ease the birth along and prevent too much stress for the mother and baby. (see cut.) The disposable mentality belonged to the 20th century and beyond. Hey gang ️ ️I am back to the back to the back. I’ll read books set in the past, I’ll write of the Victorian era with much affection, but I’ll remain here–with all the modern conveniences–thank you. FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. Women would apply it all over their face and neck and often touching up multiple times a day. Is it Okay to use O.K. Dental hygiene was non-existent. Great, fascinating post. 107. Childbirth is the most excruciating thing a woman’s body can go through, which is why so many drugs have been developed… Uterine Prolapse must’ve been relatively common and without the surgical intervention of today, devices such as this kept bits tucked inside. These Serviettes possess from three to four times the absorbent qualities of the best toweling. 1912) brothel menu from the famed London fuckery run by Mrs. F.A. Too alleviate this problem, homemade pads were developed, which were often created from the same thick, absorbent cotton used in baby diapers. Since bathing was so discouraged, it was rare if not impossible to find a bath in someone’s house. To do so, they would use a product called ceruse, which contained lead. The white gown was the uniform for a prostitutes in the Old West. 10931: Ladies’ Black or White Sateen Combination Belt, LADIES’, MISSES’, AND CHILDREN’S SHOULDER BRACES. engraving/carving (image), shows the side view as if the wearer were turned in profile. Caution: All the entries on this list are disgusting. Anne Arundel Board of Education approves funding for Old Mill West High School, elementary replacements . Disposable menstrual pads grew from a Ben Franklin invention created to help stop wounded soldiers from bleeding, but appear to have been first commercially available from around 1888 with the Southball’s pad. According to the 14th century manuscript, Tacuinum Sanitatis, fennel was particularly useful for menstruation. Don’t say we didn’t warn you. Made of Soft Sateen and Silk with Rubberband [sic]. So you can imagine how messed up it might be on a particularly heavy day, since a thin layer of cotton (or whatever other material they were using) wouldn’t do much to soak up any liquid! Two women are shown dancing (and presumably menstruating) in this rock engraving from the Upper Yule River in Western Australia. HISTORY OF FEMININE HYGIENE PRODUCTS. But back in the 1800s in the prairie regions of North America, it was what most women did during their time of the month! : Old Laundry Implements…On Vacation 19th Century Washing Machines Warsh: Grandma’s Receet (Washing/Laundry, Granny’s Recipe). Ladies’ Black or white Sateen Combination Belt, with hose supporters and points for safety belt. I love making sit down girl talks so comment any more topics y’all want to see . The Peaceful West. Gaff – To spur a horse. 107. While the king was known to have a specific assistant whose only job was to wipe his bum (seriously), peasants had to rely on dried leaves in order to wipe themselves. In addition to using prayer, gemstones to comfort the child who was soon to be born, and herb poultices that were applied to the body, expectant mothers were also made to drink vinegar, put on a holy girdle, and be rubbed with eagle’s dung! Another injustice that movies did to those who lived in the west all through the 19 th century was the fact that they were all portrayed as either gunslingers, land grabbers or mere sheep who worshipped the powerful. Stuffed up underneath their skirts, the bourdaloue was clenched between a woman’s thighs, and she would simply do her business while standing, even when in the midst of conversation! ; per dozen…$0.40. This yucky form of birth control involved a woman cutting a lemon in half, and inserting one half inside herself. While I’m fascinated with all things Victorian, I’m grateful I was born well beyond it. In fact (even though it sounds weird and gross), the berries may have actually interfered with implantation, thus decreasing the likelihood of conception. The first was invented just after turn of the century. These Serviettes are made of the finest absorbent cotton, with a layer of absolutely impervious material, which insures cleanliness. Traffic Jams. Prostitutes - or 'soiled doves' and … Sponges have long been used as a form of contraception, and some women still use them today. Catalog no 104, 1897, page 335. We think it’s pretty safe to say that no one nowadays is willing to try this method out, and we couldn’t be more thankful for having our modern forms of contraception available! During this era women were still using rags and cotton, mostly using products designed for babies nappies. In order to conceal the embarrassing stain (and probably cut down on washing), they simply wore black underwear, but nothing else that would absorb the flow. 104, p 335. Unfortunately, the eyebrows had a habit of becoming unglued, so you can imagine how ridiculous a lady would look with one eyebrow flapping off her face! : Old Laundry Implements…On Vacation, Warsh: Grandma’s Receet (Washing/Laundry, Granny’s Recipe). P.S. Women had long used syringes (at least by the 17th century) for douching. 16 ‘feminine hygiene’ adverts that should never have existed Your nether regions are out to get you, girls. After inserting the pomegranate, women were advised to “follow with a drink of honey water”. Toilet paper was a fairly new invention. the outhouse) Chamber Pots and the Old West Victorian Hair Augmentation Victorian Curling Irons  Lady Victoria(n)’s Secret  L-O-N-G Victorian Hair Mail-Order Catalogs: Timeline & Truth  Mail-Order Catalogs in the Old West The Old West: Dental Floss & Toothpicks Old West: Toothbrushes and Toothpaste P.S. This method of preventing pregnancy has roots way, way, WAY back in the Old Testament, and it was still being touted as an excellent method of contraception down to the 1700s! If you’re day hiking or spending six months on the trail, you’ll pick up a hygiene tip or … Life was hard in the Old West as young men flooded the frontier looking for work in an environment where they vastly outnumbered women, leading to a golden age of brothels run by savvy … Ads even touted the cleaner as “a feminine hygiene product for married women”, which is code for “birth control”. Middle and upper class women bleached their skin if necessary and kept out of the sun. In Georgian England in the 18th century, women would simply relieve themselves on the spot, using a porcelain jug that resembled a gravy boat to hold their, er, bodily fluids. Sanitary Napkins. FROM famous outlaws to inspiration for Gone With The Wind, these are the notorious prostitutes and madams who ruled the men of the wild west. The first commercially available American disposable napkins were Lister’s Towels created by Johnson & Johnson in 1888, SATEEN COMBINATION BELT WITH HOSE SUPPORTERS AND POINTS FOR SAFETY BELT, Item No. Sizes are every inch from 22 to 36; ask for one inch larger than your exact waist measure. Sounds like being a woman back then was definitely not fun, and was actually even worse when you were dealing with your time of the month! ... there is a heightened demand for diapers and feminine hygiene … Woe to western pioneer women who worked out in the sun and wind, since sunbonnets were of little help. 10 Proposals That Prove Social Distance Didn't Kill Romance, Chinese Horoscope For Beginners: 10 Things You Should Know. Aldobrandino of Siena produced a work Regime du Corps which included advice on feminine hygiene, skincare and gynecology. We’ve told you already that people of noble birth may not have bathed regularly, but they did frequently wash their hands in faces. While it sounds absolutely disgusting, some experts say it may have worked, since the dung’s alkaline nature acted as an effective spermicide. This surely owes, in part, to the puritanical nature of American settlers. Both Sears, Roebuck & Co. and Montgomery, Ward & Co. catalogs sold various style syringes for feminine hygiene. Sears Roebuck and Co. This means baths were filled with weeks’ or months’ worth of collected dirt, sweat, lice, and other nastier gunk. away? Item No. As the Chief Nerd to CBBCs multi award-winning comedy show Horrible Histories, I spend quite a lot of my time answering peoples questions about daily life in the past (It became so frequent, I decided to write a book about it.) Considering the state of hygiene at the time, it was probably a pretty terrible decision to rub animal poop on a woman in labor, especially since the process often ended in the death of the mother. LADIES’ BLACK OR WHITE COMBINATION BELT. We’ve been lucky enough to have been born in a time where medical professionals aren’t advising the use of things like crocodile poop to prevent childbirth or saying that we should be smeared with eagle dung while in labor! Item 25338 “Serviette” Sanitary Cloth. Kotex’s first advertisement for products made with this wood pulp (Cellucotton) appeared in 1888. According to Cowgirl magazine, in her heyday, raven-haired Rogers was a tall, attractive … We even think that this attention paid to our brows is a pretty recent development, but the truth is women have been obsessed about their eyebrows for centuries. In ancient Greece, it was advised that women should take the skin of a pomegranate, add water, and apply it inside them. Famous Old West Madam Jennie Rogers who operated in a two-storey-high brick brothel in Denver. Each, with two cotton shields or pads…40c. Not to mention the matter of hygiene or doctor visits. Remember, this was a time when clean drinking water was rare, and most people hydrated themselves with wine and ale. Crown Syringe with vaginal and rectal pipes. Granted, I’m sure there … We’ve talked about poop applied on your private parts, poison inserted inside your private parts, and pee coated on your face, but what about poop inside you to prevent conception? But back in medieval times (and up until more recent centuries), bathing was considered a luxury and downright unhealthy! meets with universal approval. Sears catalog 1897 no 104 p341, Ladies’ Perfect syringe. 10 Hilarious Memes With Tom Holland & Zendaya, 15 Old Female Hygiene Practices That Will Make You Sick, 10 'Beauty Trends' From The 2000s (That Sound Ridiculous Today), Dating For 3 Months? Sanitary Cloth. Ladies’ Shoulder Braces and ladies’ Black or White combination Belt. People brushed their teeth seldom if ever. only. Item No. Unfortunately, those living in medieval times did not have the luxury of well-educated doctors, a comfortable bed, or an epidural. [Wikipedia], **The pads ended up being just too cutting edge for the times, and the product was quickly considered a failure. Which Selena Gomez Song Are You, Based On Your Zodiac? Similar products were advertised in Sears, Roebuck & co. catalog of 1897 and Montgomery, Ward & co. of 1895. And in China prior to 1391, people simply used whatever paper products were available until the Emperor commissioned that 2-foot-by-3-foot paper sheets be made for the specific occasion. Antiseptic and Absorbent pads, made from cotton gauze and bandage, rendered antiseptic. But back in the 1920s to 1960s, these sponges were a lot more deadly than they are today. The first commercially available American disposable napkins were Lister’s Towels created by Johnson & Johnson in 1888**. Recommended by physicians and fast superseding birdseye linen, more absorbent, antiseptic, no washing, burned after using, invaluable while traveling, cheaper than laundering, medium size. When we imagine ladies at royal court, we probably fantasize about them in full glitz and glamour and dressed to the nines in fancy dresses with layers of material and dainty shoes. One of the most famous women who swore by the powder was Elizabeth I of England. I’m glad sanitary belts were part of a bygone era when I reached puberty. In the 1st century, in what is now modern-day Turkey, a physician advised that men and women should crush up juniper berries (a berry used in gin-making), and smear them on their nether regions. Tasse. Montgomery Ward & Co Spring and Summer catalog, 1895. These cloths (or, more often, rags) would be pinned directly to their underwear or rigged with wraparound belts for added security. Here Are 10 Things That Need To Have Happened, How Short Is Danny Devito? 10 Traits You Might Recognize If You Have A Libra Moon Sign, 5 Hobbies Pisces Would Love (5 They Would Hate). Disposable menstrual pads … 1897 Sears Roebuck and Co. ... She also insisted the girls had good hygiene and fed … Douches were apparently employed during menses as well as post-partum (which may have contributed to “childbed fever”, a.k.a. In the Middle East, elephant dung was the poop of choice. Often these queries slip out from mouths that are already contorted by wrinkle-nosed disgust, and Ill see my interrogator pre-emptively braced for gruesome tales of toilets, unwashed bodies, and rotten teeth f… Eventually, her skin got so damaged that she dyed her face grey from the lead! Catalog No. They would place these fake eyebrows high up on their forehead, giving themselves a surprised or quizzical expression – which is about the same face we’d be giving them now if anyone were to rock that look today! … Each = $0.25 Note: the hose supporters fall along the outside of the thighs; the safety belt points fall center front and center back. Sold by the package of 1 doz. ... this meant old rags and cloths wrapped around naturally absorbent moss. Yikes! Note the safety pins that hold the “safety belt” in position at the correct depth to fit snugly against the body. 10931: Ladies’ Black or White Sateen Combination Belt, with hose supporters and points for safety belt; size 24 to 34 inches. 10936: The Faultless Serviette or Absorbent Health Napkin: economical, comfortable, healthful. No. While we have our tampons and pads and medicated face wash, they had Lysol disinfectant, diapers, and urine. part 1 of 2. That’s right, people would swish pee around their mouths in order to get a whiter, brighter smile – although we imagine they must have felt quite sick afterwards! The Necessary (a.k.a. (KNWA/KFTA) – Feminine hygiene products may soon be tax-free based on new legislation. Absolutely antiseptic, ready for instant use. Very informative. What Terry said is consistent with that, meaning merely: they did not have Feminine Hygiene Products like Tampons or panty shields (no panties, see #1). We’re lucky to have better medical knowledge now. Your email address will not be published. 1898 Sears Roebuck and Co. Wild Hygiene Practices From The Old West That Seem So Wrong Today. THE OLD WEST'S MOST INFAMOUS PROSTITUTES. Per dozen = $0.50. Recommended by the medical profession as indispensible in every ladies wardrobe. Well, wouldn’t it be a pain in the butt to have to go to the bathroom (especially an old-fashioned or medieval bathroom) to relieve yourself while trying to hoist those yards of heavy fabric and undergarments? She leads police raids … Harsh cleaning astringents, like Lysol and even vinegar, were used for a long time when medically-approved birth control could not be acquired – or wasn’t even invented! That doesn’t even sound so bad when you consider the fact that many women who indulged in the cosmetic product ended up suffering from abdominal pain, headaches, memory problems, infertility, anemia, seizures, coma, and even death. In the early twentieth century, menstruation happened a lot less frequently since there was less food to eat. For those living in ancient Japan, paper tampons were used, held in place by a bandage. Wikimedia Though females have experienced menstruation since before humans even fully evolved as a species, there’s very little documentation about periods among ancient peoples. Women in ancient Greece used the same method while also being advised to try lint wrapped around a stick. Sears Roebuck and Co. 1898 Catalog no. To help women get over the perceived embarrassment of shopping for commercial feminine hygiene products, Kotex encouraged shop owners to leave the products on the counter … Advertisements were intentionally vague as a newspaper reporter had been arrested in 1882 for obscenity. An almost necessary article for ladies during their menstrual period for the convenience of attaching the napkin or pad. For women with noble ranks, urine was the skincare item of choice to maintain a smooth, clear complexion, because they strongly believed in urine’s antiseptic ability. It is easily adjusted, and will not interfere with other Garments. By Michael Freeman Saturday 22 Jun 2013, 8:15 PM. State Representative, Aaron Pilkington (R- District 69) proposed a bill that … Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. The suspenders were worn beneath the blouse, unlike men’s suspenders which were worn atop the shirt and beneath the waistcoat/vest. Kristin Holt is a participant in the amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Adjusted, and urine pH of the naturally acidic vagina meant pregnancy was likely. Other Garments all prominent medical authorities now, do they made with this wood pulp ( Cellucotton appeared... Chinese Zodiac their menstrual period for the Old style napkin ; highly recommended by the powder was Elizabeth I England! Issue that 's been going on for years to mention the matter of hygiene or doctor visits months’ of... 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