Check for the "FAST_REFRESHABLE" column value for this mview. SET HIDDEN clause Use the SET HIDDEN clause to obfuscate the definition of a materialized view. How to compile ( SQL | PL/SQL ) ALTER FUNCTION my_function COMPILE; ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW my_mater_view COMPILE; ALTER PACKAGE my_package COMPILE; ALTER PACKAGE my_package COMPILE BODY; ALTER PROCEDURE my_procedure COMPILE; ALTER SYNONYM my_synonym COMPILE; ALTER TRIGGER my_trigger COMPILE; ALTER TYPE my_type COMPILE; ALTER … This is expected behavior.Check Oracle Note 264036.1--Dmitriy Kotkov, This example was tested on Oracle 11.2. INVALID Materialized View NEEDS_COMPILE This example was tested on Oracle 11.2. Views are read-only. Use the ALTER VIEW command to change the name or the owner of a view or to refresh or suspend a materialized view. Materialized views are a really useful performance feature, allowing you to pre-calcuate joins and aggregations, which can make applications and reports feel more responsive. We need a table to act as the source of the materialized view. A materialized view can query tables, views, and other materialized views. A materialized view is a database object that contains the results of a query. Fast refreshes allow you to run refreshes more often, and in some cases you can make use of refreshes triggered on commit of changes to the base tables, but this can represent a significant overhe… The complication comes from the lag between the last refresh of the materialized view and subsequent DML changes to the base tables. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW My_Indexed_View DISABLE; This example resumes materialized view by rebuilding it. It also covers mode of materialized view , build method of materialized view, status and comments of materialized view. Changes Materialized Views (in … If you alter a materialized view owned by another user, you must qualify the name by including the owner (for example, GROUPO.EmployeeConfidential). ]mview options … Some materialized views have status invalid, however, they compile with no errors. It shows how an. This compile process is quick, and allows the materialized view to … In 07/11/2012 my theme of: “Orneklerle Oracle 11g R2 ve Genel Kavramlar / Oracle 11g R2 General Concepts with Examples ” was published as a book. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW mview_name COMPILE; exec DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('owner.mview_name','C'); SELECT * FROM DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES WHERE … ALTER permission on the table or view is required. Oracle database is a complex system and objects are inter-related and have dependencies.Like a package may depends on certain oracle table or view or synonym. Or if video is more your thing, check out Connor's latest video and Chris's latest video from their Youtube channels. Syntax: ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [schema. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW mview_name COMPILE; The state of a materialized view can be checked by querying the data dictionary views USER_MVIEWS or ALL_MVIEWS. Purpose. It shows how an on demand materialized view becomes invalid following DML on the underlying table. However, if the staleness of a materialized view is marked as NEEDS_COMPILE, you could issue an ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW... COMPILE statement to validate the materialized view and get the correct staleness state. ]materialized_view_name [Physical_Attributes_Clause] [STORAGE Storage_Clause] [REFRESH [FAST | COMPLETE | FORCE] [START WITH date] [NEXTREF date]Changes the storage or automatic refresh characteristics of a materialized view … 'ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW COMPILE' makes the MV invalid, DBA_MVIEWS.COMPILE_STATE shows COMPILATION_ERROR. It shows how an on demand materialized view becomes invalid following DML on the underlying table. A materialized view will work best if the number of records being updated (for example, in arg_max view) is a small subset of the source table. 'ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW COMPILE' makes the MV invalid, DBA_MVIEWS.COMPILE_STATE shows COMPILATION_ERROR. Invalid objects are recompiled automatically on use. The word "snapshot" is synonymous with "materialized view". The book was published: 07.11.2012, edition 356 copies, order was 50. SQL> alter materialized view ODBtest1 compile; Materialized view altered. Third, if you want to load data into the materialized view at the creation time, you put WITH DATA option, otherwise you put WITH NO DATA. MV refresh does not change the status, after refresh the status is invalid if the status was invalid before refresh. Materialized Views in Oracle. It means that you cannot query data from the view u… So, this looks like some issue between 10.2 and 9.2. Hi,Did you find why this happens? Data warehouse Design Using Oracle Created Aug. 8, 2019 by user Girija Narasimhan Unit Objective. The whole idea behind a materialized view is to make the data "available" in the view and not to have to retrieve the data from the underlying tables for example from a remote location. They are local copies of data located remotely, or are used to create summary tables based on aggregations of a table's data. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW TST_VW AS SELECT EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,SAL,MGR,co mm FROM EMP-view created again SELECT OBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_TYPE,ST ATUS FROM USER_OBJECTS WHERE OBJECT_NAME='MV_TST' Now the materialized view has status 'INVALID' I did ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW MV_TST COMPILE...but still status INVALID Why is so Description. Materialized View Add Columns Hi Tom,I have added a new column in my master table and i want this column to be reflected in my Materialized view is this possible without Re creating iti have to fetch all columns from my master table in my view.please suggest. Splitting Table Partitions: Examples for a partitioning maintenance example that would require this ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW example Complete Refresh: Example The following statement specifies a new refresh method, a new NEXT refresh time, and a new interval between automatic refreshes of the emp_data materialized view (created in "Periodic Refresh of Materialized Views: Example" ): I'm not sure why it happens. The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW syntax does not support that feature. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [schema. Using materialized views against remote tables is … Hi Vijay, It is difficult to tell why your MVs are getting invalid without looking at the setup on your master and snapshot sites. The rest of this article provides some simple examples of real-time materialized views. Queries making direct references to a materialized view will not use the real-time materialized view functionality by default. And of course, keep up to date with AskTOM via the official twitter account. The mview itself is a straight forward mview. This example disables a materialized view and puts it in suspended mode. Did you find out why this happens? Last updated: September 23, 2016 - 1:47 am UTC. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW changes various auxiliary properties of an existing materialized view.. You must own the materialized view to use ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW.To change a materialized view's schema, you must also have CREATE privilege on the new schema. This unit covers materialized view creation and alteration, various refresh method. 2 / Materialized view altered. A materialized view, or snapshot as they were previously known, is a table segment whose contents are periodically refreshed based on a query, either against a local or remote table. INVALID Materialized View with COMPILATION_ERROR. All other changes are achieved by dropping and then re-creating the materialized view. This setting is irreversible.For more information, see Hiding materialized views.. If all or most of the materialized view records need to be updated in every materialization cycle, then the materialized view won't perform well. A materialized view in Oracle is a database object that contains the results of a query. When I run the first part of your script it does what I expect. You can also catch regular content via Connor's blog and Chris's blog. "HOLX_OIC_CALCULATED_DETAIL_MV" The result from previous step (c) would clarify this. So, this status seems inconsistent. So objects may go invalid in case of deployments of new objects , alter table command, packages,views, synonyms.Now lets find out how to find the invalid objects in the Oracle database and then how to compile invalid objects in oracle If the data or the table definitions are modified, then the MV becomes INVALID. Sorry - I'm not sure I follow. ]mview options iot_options [USING INDEX index_options] [REFRESH [refresh_options]] [COMPILE | CONSIDER FRESH | {ENABLE|DISABLE} QUERY REWRITE] ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [schema. Use the ALTER VIEWS ON command to refresh or suspend all the materialized views for a base table. The column STALENESS will show one of the values FRESH, STALE, UNUSABLE, UNKNOWN, UNDEFINED, or NEEDS_COMPILE to indicate whether the materialized view can be used. In contrary of views, materialized views avoid executing the SQL query for every access by storing the result set of the query. A materialized view, or snapshot as they were previously known, is a table segment whose contents are periodically refreshed based on a query, either against a local or remote table. Collectively these source objects are called master tables (a replication term) or detail tables (a data warehousing term). Primary Key Materialized View: Example The following statement changes the rowid materialized view order_data (created in "Creating Rowid Materialized Views: Example") to a primary key materialized view. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW My_Indexed_View REBUILD; See also. ENABLE clause Use the ENABLE clause to enable a disabled materialized view, making it available for the database server to use.This clause has no effect on a view that is already enabled. The ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW is used to modify an existing materialized view in one or more of the following ways: To change its storage characteristics; To change its refresh method, mode, or time; To alter its structure so that it is a different type of materialized view is their a workaround for it? would this become a problem? Similarly status remains valid, if the status was valid before the refresh. MV refresh does not change the status, after refresh the status is invalid if the status was invalid before refresh. Can you take one table for example and show the scripts you ran to set up the materialized view logs and groups on both the PROD and DIS databases for that table. Similarly status remains valid, if … I updated the table, making the materialized view out of date: Although you can still query the materialized view when this happens, MVIEW_NAME COMPILE_STATE, ------------------------------ -------------------, MV1 NEEDS_COMPILE. Materialized Views in Oracle. Materialized Views: Materialized view is work like a base table and it is defined as CQL query which can queried like a base table. Here are some basic rules to improve refresh performance.Unlike indexes, materialized views are not automatically updated with every data change. ORA-12004: REFRESH FAST cannot be used for materialized view "HOLX". Creates a materialized view (also called a snapshot), which is the result of a query run against one or more tables or views. SQL> select mview_name, compile_state from user_mviews where mview_name like 'ODBTEST1%'; MVIEW_NAME COMPILE_STATE ----- ----- ODBTEST1 VALID. We're not taking comments currently, so please try again later if you want to add a comment. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [schema. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW order_data REFRESH WITH PRIMARY KEY; Compiling a Materialized View: Example … Ebl Smart Rapid Charger,
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If you don't qualify the name, the database server looks for a materialized view with that name owned by you and alters it. the role that has the OWNERSHIP privilege on the materialized view) also owns the target schema. This compile process is quick, which means that the materialized view can be used by query rewrite. To create a materialized view, you use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEWstatement as follows: First, specify the the view_name after the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEWclause Second, add the query that gets data from the underlying tables after the ASkeyword. INVALID Materialized View NEEDS_COMPILE This example was tested on Oracle 11.2. They must explicitly be refreshed, either on every… Setup. Here's a review of what has been a very challenging year for many. Moving a materialized view to a managed access schema (using the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW … RENAME TO syntax) is prohibited unless the materialized view owner (i.e. Thanks for being a member of the AskTOM community. Oracle database is a complex system and objects are inter-related and have dependencies.Like a package may depends on certain oracle table or view or synonym. Connor and Chris don't just spend all day on AskTOM. When a master table is modified, the related materialized view becomes stale and a refresh is necessary to have the materialized view up to date. This example requires that you have already defined a materialized view log with a primary key on order_data. So, this does not reproduce in Materialized view is very important for de-normalization of data in Cassandra Query Language is also good for high cardinality and high performance. First I created a table: ... SQL> alter materialized view mv1 compile. I would need to do more research to find out for certain. In case you use WITH NO DATA, the view is flagged as unreadable. Examples. -- Compile Materialized View ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW SCHEMA1.MV_REFRESH_TEST compile-- View state of Materialized View, Still reports compilation errors SELECT MVIEW_NAME, STALENESS, LAST_REFRESH_TYPE, COMPILE_STATE FROM USER_MVIEWS WHERE MVIEW_NAME LIKE 'MV_%' ORDER BY MVIEW_NAME ; ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW . The system does not allow an insert, update, or delete on a view. Materialized Views are often used in data warehouses to improve query performance on aggregated data. ]materialized_view_name [Physical_Attributes_Clause] [STORAGE Storage_Clause] [REFRESH [FAST | COMPLETE | FORCE] [START WITH date] [NEXTREF date]Changes the storage or automatic refresh characteristics of a materialized view … The FROM clause of the query can name tables, views, and other materialized views. First I created a table: ... SQL> alter materialized view mv1 compile. I will not show you the materialized view concepts, the Oracle Datawarehouse Guide is perfect for that. Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window) Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window) Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window) Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Click to print (Opens in new window) Like this: Like. To use this functionality the query much use the FRESH_MV hint. The COMPILE clause of the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement can be used when the materialized view has been invalidated. Example 9-6 Materialized View Using UNION ALL with Joins and Aggregates. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW TST_VW AS SELECT EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,SAL,MGR,co mm FROM EMP-view created again SELECT OBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_TYPE,ST ATUS FROM USER_OBJECTS WHERE OBJECT_NAME='MV_TST' Now the materialized view has status 'INVALID' I did ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW MV_TST COMPILE...but still status INVALID Why is so This isn't a problem but, if you are not happy with it, you can refresh the materialized view: This brings it in line with the underlying table: I updated the table, making the materialized view out of date again: Another way to change this, if it bothers you, is to compile it: This way, the materialized view is still out of date: ... and it does not need compiling either: Can You Use BETWEEN and a Subquery Together? “This books was freely distributed to … This reference uses the term master tables for consistency. Performance tuning with Materialized View Using materialized views against remote tables is … But what if it takes too long to refresh the materialized views? Let’s understand with an example. Creates a materialized view (also called a snapshot), which is the result of a query run against one or more tables or views. Related Definitions: Materialized View Log: When DML changes are made to master table data, Oracle Database stores rows describing those changes in the materialized view log and then uses the materialized view log to refresh materialized views based on the master table. 2 / Materialized view altered. The AskTOM team is taking a break over the holiday season, so we're not taking questions or responding to comments. It appears the mview goes INVALID when we convert to a FAST REFRESH Mechanism. Change the properties of an existing mview. The COMPILE option of the ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement can be used when the materialized view has been invalidated as described in "Invalidating a Materialized View". So objects may go invalid in case of deployments of new objects , alter table command, packages,views, synonyms.Now lets find out how to find the invalid objects in the Oracle database and then how to compile invalid objects in oracle It could just be Oracle's way of telling you that the materialized view is out of date. > Check for the "FAST_REFRESHABLE" column value for this mview. SET HIDDEN clause Use the SET HIDDEN clause to obfuscate the definition of a materialized view. How to compile ( SQL | PL/SQL ) ALTER FUNCTION my_function COMPILE; ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW my_mater_view COMPILE; ALTER PACKAGE my_package COMPILE; ALTER PACKAGE my_package COMPILE BODY; ALTER PROCEDURE my_procedure COMPILE; ALTER SYNONYM my_synonym COMPILE; ALTER TRIGGER my_trigger COMPILE; ALTER TYPE my_type COMPILE; ALTER … This is expected behavior.Check Oracle Note 264036.1--Dmitriy Kotkov, This example was tested on Oracle 11.2. INVALID Materialized View NEEDS_COMPILE This example was tested on Oracle 11.2. Views are read-only. Use the ALTER VIEW command to change the name or the owner of a view or to refresh or suspend a materialized view. Materialized views are a really useful performance feature, allowing you to pre-calcuate joins and aggregations, which can make applications and reports feel more responsive. We need a table to act as the source of the materialized view. A materialized view can query tables, views, and other materialized views. A materialized view is a database object that contains the results of a query. Fast refreshes allow you to run refreshes more often, and in some cases you can make use of refreshes triggered on commit of changes to the base tables, but this can represent a significant overhe… The complication comes from the lag between the last refresh of the materialized view and subsequent DML changes to the base tables. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW My_Indexed_View DISABLE; This example resumes materialized view by rebuilding it. It also covers mode of materialized view , build method of materialized view, status and comments of materialized view. Changes Materialized Views (in … If you alter a materialized view owned by another user, you must qualify the name by including the owner (for example, GROUPO.EmployeeConfidential). ]mview options … Some materialized views have status invalid, however, they compile with no errors. It shows how an. This compile process is quick, and allows the materialized view to … In 07/11/2012 my theme of: “Orneklerle Oracle 11g R2 ve Genel Kavramlar / Oracle 11g R2 General Concepts with Examples ” was published as a book. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW mview_name COMPILE; exec DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('owner.mview_name','C'); SELECT * FROM DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES WHERE … ALTER permission on the table or view is required. Oracle database is a complex system and objects are inter-related and have dependencies.Like a package may depends on certain oracle table or view or synonym. Or if video is more your thing, check out Connor's latest video and Chris's latest video from their Youtube channels. Syntax: ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [schema. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW mview_name COMPILE; The state of a materialized view can be checked by querying the data dictionary views USER_MVIEWS or ALL_MVIEWS. Purpose. It shows how an on demand materialized view becomes invalid following DML on the underlying table. However, if the staleness of a materialized view is marked as NEEDS_COMPILE, you could issue an ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW... COMPILE statement to validate the materialized view and get the correct staleness state. ]materialized_view_name [Physical_Attributes_Clause] [STORAGE Storage_Clause] [REFRESH [FAST | COMPLETE | FORCE] [START WITH date] [NEXTREF date]Changes the storage or automatic refresh characteristics of a materialized view … 'ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW COMPILE' makes the MV invalid, DBA_MVIEWS.COMPILE_STATE shows COMPILATION_ERROR. It shows how an on demand materialized view becomes invalid following DML on the underlying table. A materialized view will work best if the number of records being updated (for example, in arg_max view) is a small subset of the source table. 'ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW COMPILE' makes the MV invalid, DBA_MVIEWS.COMPILE_STATE shows COMPILATION_ERROR. Invalid objects are recompiled automatically on use. The word "snapshot" is synonymous with "materialized view". The book was published: 07.11.2012, edition 356 copies, order was 50. SQL> alter materialized view ODBtest1 compile; Materialized view altered. Third, if you want to load data into the materialized view at the creation time, you put WITH DATA option, otherwise you put WITH NO DATA. MV refresh does not change the status, after refresh the status is invalid if the status was invalid before refresh. Materialized Views in Oracle. It means that you cannot query data from the view u… So, this looks like some issue between 10.2 and 9.2. Hi,Did you find why this happens? Data warehouse Design Using Oracle Created Aug. 8, 2019 by user Girija Narasimhan Unit Objective. The whole idea behind a materialized view is to make the data "available" in the view and not to have to retrieve the data from the underlying tables for example from a remote location. They are local copies of data located remotely, or are used to create summary tables based on aggregations of a table's data. CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW TST_VW AS SELECT EMPNO,ENAME,JOB,SAL,MGR,co mm FROM EMP-view created again SELECT OBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_TYPE,ST ATUS FROM USER_OBJECTS WHERE OBJECT_NAME='MV_TST' Now the materialized view has status 'INVALID' I did ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW MV_TST COMPILE...but still status INVALID Why is so Description. Materialized View Add Columns Hi Tom,I have added a new column in my master table and i want this column to be reflected in my Materialized view is this possible without Re creating iti have to fetch all columns from my master table in my view.please suggest. Splitting Table Partitions: Examples for a partitioning maintenance example that would require this ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW example Complete Refresh: Example The following statement specifies a new refresh method, a new NEXT refresh time, and a new interval between automatic refreshes of the emp_data materialized view (created in "Periodic Refresh of Materialized Views: Example" ): I'm not sure why it happens. The CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW syntax does not support that feature. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [schema. Using materialized views against remote tables is … Hi Vijay, It is difficult to tell why your MVs are getting invalid without looking at the setup on your master and snapshot sites. The rest of this article provides some simple examples of real-time materialized views. Queries making direct references to a materialized view will not use the real-time materialized view functionality by default. And of course, keep up to date with AskTOM via the official twitter account. The mview itself is a straight forward mview. This example disables a materialized view and puts it in suspended mode. Did you find out why this happens? Last updated: September 23, 2016 - 1:47 am UTC. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW changes various auxiliary properties of an existing materialized view.. You must own the materialized view to use ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW.To change a materialized view's schema, you must also have CREATE privilege on the new schema. This unit covers materialized view creation and alteration, various refresh method. 2 / Materialized view altered. A materialized view, or snapshot as they were previously known, is a table segment whose contents are periodically refreshed based on a query, either against a local or remote table. INVALID Materialized View with COMPILATION_ERROR. All other changes are achieved by dropping and then re-creating the materialized view. This setting is irreversible.For more information, see Hiding materialized views.. If all or most of the materialized view records need to be updated in every materialization cycle, then the materialized view won't perform well. A materialized view in Oracle is a database object that contains the results of a query. When I run the first part of your script it does what I expect. You can also catch regular content via Connor's blog and Chris's blog. "HOLX_OIC_CALCULATED_DETAIL_MV" The result from previous step (c) would clarify this. So, this status seems inconsistent. So objects may go invalid in case of deployments of new objects , alter table command, packages,views, synonyms.Now lets find out how to find the invalid objects in the Oracle database and then how to compile invalid objects in oracle If the data or the table definitions are modified, then the MV becomes INVALID. Sorry - I'm not sure I follow. ]mview options iot_options [USING INDEX index_options] [REFRESH [refresh_options]] [COMPILE | CONSIDER FRESH | {ENABLE|DISABLE} QUERY REWRITE] ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [schema. Use the ALTER VIEWS ON command to refresh or suspend all the materialized views for a base table. The column STALENESS will show one of the values FRESH, STALE, UNUSABLE, UNKNOWN, UNDEFINED, or NEEDS_COMPILE to indicate whether the materialized view can be used. In contrary of views, materialized views avoid executing the SQL query for every access by storing the result set of the query. A materialized view, or snapshot as they were previously known, is a table segment whose contents are periodically refreshed based on a query, either against a local or remote table. Collectively these source objects are called master tables (a replication term) or detail tables (a data warehousing term). Primary Key Materialized View: Example The following statement changes the rowid materialized view order_data (created in "Creating Rowid Materialized Views: Example") to a primary key materialized view. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW My_Indexed_View REBUILD; See also. ENABLE clause Use the ENABLE clause to enable a disabled materialized view, making it available for the database server to use.This clause has no effect on a view that is already enabled. The ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW is used to modify an existing materialized view in one or more of the following ways: To change its storage characteristics; To change its refresh method, mode, or time; To alter its structure so that it is a different type of materialized view is their a workaround for it? would this become a problem? Similarly status remains valid, if the status was valid before the refresh. MV refresh does not change the status, after refresh the status is invalid if the status was invalid before refresh. Can you take one table for example and show the scripts you ran to set up the materialized view logs and groups on both the PROD and DIS databases for that table. Similarly status remains valid, if … I updated the table, making the materialized view out of date: Although you can still query the materialized view when this happens, MVIEW_NAME COMPILE_STATE, ------------------------------ -------------------, MV1 NEEDS_COMPILE. Materialized Views in Oracle. Materialized Views: Materialized view is work like a base table and it is defined as CQL query which can queried like a base table. Here are some basic rules to improve refresh performance.Unlike indexes, materialized views are not automatically updated with every data change. ORA-12004: REFRESH FAST cannot be used for materialized view "HOLX". Creates a materialized view (also called a snapshot), which is the result of a query run against one or more tables or views. SQL> select mview_name, compile_state from user_mviews where mview_name like 'ODBTEST1%'; MVIEW_NAME COMPILE_STATE ----- ----- ODBTEST1 VALID. We're not taking comments currently, so please try again later if you want to add a comment. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW [schema. ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW order_data REFRESH WITH PRIMARY KEY; Compiling a Materialized View: Example …