how to educate nursing staff
Throughout our facility, we do this in a vast number of avenues that also aligns with the different types of learners (e.g., written, verbal, visual, kinesthetic) among our diverse staff (Anderson et al., 2015). Factors such as self-directed ability, sense of accountability, motivation to learn, and opportunities for education influence learning.10 Educational planning and instructional design must be approached like the nursing process by assessing needs, diagnosing the issues, planning the appropriate education, implementing it, and, finally, evaluating the results.11. Competency is defined most simply as the application of the skills and knowledge for appropriate nursing practice, but it can also be highly complex, as nurses have diverse educational backgrounds and practice in various settings.6 Most nurses recogni… Increasing the cultural diversity of the nursing workforce begins in programs that educate the health care professionals of the future. One of the biggest barriers to learning in the hospital is lack of time.4 While protected education time is invaluable, it's unrealistic to think that this will always be available as healthcare costs continue to rise. COVID-19 transmission: Is this virus airborne, or not? Finding ways to best reach nursing staff and overcome challenges requires creative solutions to keep a large, diverse nursing staff up-to-date on current and best practices. In our facility, we know that time is valuable. Getting input from managers is a form of assessment. The final question is how do we get the information to the intended learners? a.Must align with evidence-based practiceb.Must align with organizational policy, Identify high traffic areas for the intended audience. Earning an advanced degree, such as a Doctor of Nursing Practice, can prepare nurses to provide equitable, inclusive care that promotes a healthier, less stressful experience for patients and their families. The first step to building a successful training program is an assessment of staff needs and preferred learning strategies. [J Contin Educ Nurs. Few staff nurses have any background or education in healthcare finance, and often resist the idea that they need to think about the cost of nursing care. These interventions must be effective to meet the needs of a diverse nursing staff. Education using multiple strategies is essential in educating a large, diverse workforce, and effective distribution is a key element to ensure all learning styles are incorporated into the educational process (Anderson et al., 2015). How those councils are operationalized is different based on the nurses in the organization. Although efforts to increase diversity (gender, racial, ethnic, and age) have yielded small gains, faculty diversity levels don't resemble diversity levels of students and communities. This, too, can prove to be a difficult obstacle to overcome: What may be significant to what leaders think nursing staff needs to know may seem trivial or irrelevant to the staff member. The purpose of this assignment is to create the Educating Staff: Implementing Change Project. If you ever stop learning, you might as well stop nursing: the challenges of continuing nursing education. Unfortunately, several barriers-both real and perceived-can stand in the way of nurses' involvement in continuing education and professional development. We had to ask ourselves three main questions: What do the staff need to know? After these areas are identified, it is time to focus on the main points (Table 1). Alien P, Lauchner K, Bridges RA, Francis-Johnson P, McBride SG, Olivarez A Jr. Have nursing staff apply a thin layer of barrier cream or petroleum, to the top of their hands. These are crucial elements to ensure staff are always utilizing best practice as established through policy and to ensure all regulatory standards (both state and federal) are being followed. In addition to monitoring new employees, nurse managers and other "safety champions" can serve as mentors and peer coaches in every unit, reminding their colleagues how and when to use safe patient handling procedures and equipment. Current research is limited to studies using hospital level data or without proper adjustment for confounders which makes the translation to practice difficult. If high quality care is to be maintained, education and training is needed to provide staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to adapt to their changing roles. Continuing-education program planning: tips for assessing staff educational needs. While this planning takes some time, the result makes the extra effort worthwhile. 1 Teaching in nursing: the faculty role Linda M. Finke, PhD, RN As the demands of society have changed, the faculty role in higher education has grown from the singular colonial unitarian mission of teaching to a multifaceted challenge of teaching, scholarship, and service. Consider mentors and peer education champions. Strategies include blended learning, electronic distribution, and educational flyers to provide a variety of formats to meet the educational needs within the organization. Extra paid training time is expensive for health systems, and administrators don't always see it as a worthwhile investment.7 Other barriers to continuing education and professional development are staff shortages, inconvenient places/times, fatigue/inability to concentrate after working, family/personal commitments, lack of interest in topics, past experiences of negative/inadequate programs, lack of program variety, poor planning, inappropriate teachers, and lack of manager/administration support.3-5. Tell us what you think about », Get the latest news and education delivered to your inbox, The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing,, The Updated Nursing Professional Development Scope and Standards of Practice, New Graduate Registered Nurses and the Spectrum of Comfort in Clinical Practice, Standardizing the Bedside Report to Promote Nurse Accountability and Work Effectiveness. The Guideline explores the relationships among and between students and nursing educators, nursing staff, preceptors, and diverse health-care team members, and it considers their influence on the quality of practice education, professional socialization, and nursing excellence. Our staff tend to learn more if provided the information in shorter time frames. In our facility, our goal was to provide quality education measures to the frontline staff in several different departments of a large teaching hospital. tice nurses, and faculty at schools of nursing possess expertise in this area. Staff had to demonstrate CPR skills, use of the defibrillator, and team dynamics during the mock code. The information being presented must align with and be consistent with evidence-based practice and organizational policies. After any program development, outcomes measurement is essential.9 This involves performing a comprehensive evaluation of the information presented and assessing how it was received, if it was retained, and if it was applicable to current practice.11 Self-reflection and self-assessment are needed to evaluate competency and determine ways to improve.6 Once again, the unit education team utilized paper evaluations as well as Survey Monkey to get staff feedback. We know that not everyone reads their emails or attends staff meetings, but hopefully everyone makes at least one trip to the bathroom or breakroom during their shift. … The Don'ts include the elements identified from the workarounds and short cuts. Continuing professional development in Australia: barriers and support. [Context Link], 4. The patient population of this 55-bed unit consisted of trauma/orthopedic patients, stroke/neurosurgical patients, and some general medical-surgical patients. Many are distracted by their personal cellphones and/or watching the clock to calculate how much longer the class will last. However, as we know the generational … Gather supporting documentation Knowing how valuable nurses are in delivering quality healthcare but limited in number, he wants to educate and inspire nursing students. Our staff is diverse; they range in ages from 20 to 70 years and over and come from multiple countries and cultures. As of now, only one state (California) has laws that set forth a mandatory minimum staffing level. For example, in some workplaces, a designated nurse or a group of nurses on a clinical unit may assume staff education activities. The goals are to provide valuable staff education and to change their practice for improved patient safety and outcomes. 2020;51(11):498–500.]. The goal is to get the information out in multiple ways. Staff members stated that they really liked the bulletin board quizzes because these were readily accessible and easy to do. The next step is to go back to the second question: How do the staff learn? [Context Link], 7. On-going developments in Britain's healthcare services are placing great demands on its workforce. Go… JC has a book on education of staff on their website. American Nurses' Association. Nurse educators often require a framework to perform learning needs assessments in the hospital setting. Throughout our facility, the nurses are intelligent and creative. Issues identified may come to light in nursing practice councils, whereas others are data driven and discovered in nursing shared governance quality councils. Summers A. The educational flyers include all the information—the Dos and Don'ts of the topic. Identifying the educational topic is always the first step (Table 1). There are two areas to address when educating a diverse nursing staff: knowing the intended audience; and key points in educating a large, diverse audience (Table 1). Eslamian J, Moeini M, Soleimani M. Challenges in nursing continuing education: a qualitative study. Although the councils are driven by nursing staff, senior leadership and/or management teams are also in attendance. Rosenthal, L. D., Barnes, C., Aagaard, L., Cook, P. & Weber, M. (2018). Staff may have learning preferences based on generational differences. By first conducting an educational needs assessment using paper forms and Survey Monkey, the committee determined the areas in which the clinical nurses wished for more education. The responsibilities associated with assuming the role of a unit-based educator vary among healthcare organizations. As of 2016, the ethnic breakdown was 61.3% White American (non-Hispanic/Latino), 17.8% Hispanic/Latino, 13.3% Black American/African-American, 5.7% Asian, 1.3% Native American/Alaskan Native, and 2.6% self-reporting two or more races. Some topics are also geared toward outpatient departments, such as the Perioperative Department, Emergency Department, Cardiac Diagnostics, Interventional Radiology, and Specialty Clinics. [Context Link], 2. We focus on topics that are relevant to all inpatient departments throughout our facility, including Critical Care, Acuity Adaptable, Family Beginnings, and burn units. Some requested a longer time frame (such as 2 weeks) in the future to give them additional opportunities to participate. Safe nurse staffing is essential to both the nursing profession and to the overall health care system. They said this activity helped them learn new information while reinforcing previous knowledge. 2014;71(19):1616-1619. These courses enable the health care professionals to become approved instructors in the specific area they are trained. It becomes a challenge to take the vital education from a group of 20 shared governance nurses and attempt to educate over 500 staff members. [Context Link], 8. Exploring ward nurses' perceptions of continuing education in clinical settings. Initiating SBIRT, alcohol, and opioid training for nurses employed on an inpatient medical-surgical unit: A quality improvement project. Growing evidence indicates that improved nurse staffing in acute hospitals is associated with lower hospital mortality. These shortcuts can create huge deficiencies in meeting the established quality measures and could ultimately impact patient outcomes. Yoder SL, Terhorst R 2nd. Support higher employee retention. The largest challenge is that there is no single answer for each of these questions. Staffing affects the ability of all nurses to deliver safe, quality care in all practice settings. Education. One constant that we identified was the importance of providing the information in the way that honors staff learning styles and their perspectives—learning strategies had to be relevant to each of them. However, the value of continued education and professional development in the workplace should not be overlooked (Nedder et al., 2017). 2016;38:22-28. “Persistent short staffing increases the stress levels of staff and reduces their general well-being…”. Many obstacles arise due to different shift times, varied schedules, and individual workflows among the in-patient settings; therefore, in-person training sessions are almost impossible to schedule to accommodate all staff (Rosenthal et al., 2018) To provide effective education to mitigate process breaks, one must consider several key concepts. [Context Link], 10. Many large organizations “drop the ball” or “fall short” when it comes to disseminating frontline staff education that ultimately requires the valuable information to change an outcome. On another day, an educator might spend several hours or a whole day in the clinical setting, such as the hospital, long-term care facility, or … The first area to address begins with knowing the nursing staff that you want to educate. Thanks to online education, there are several convenient paths you can take to earn either a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) or a Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). [Context Link], 6. There’s an obvious reason for this: health care today is a complex, dynamic and high-tech environment, and bedside nurses have to make complex decisions on a daily basis in order to deliver safe, effective patient care. In recent years, critical thinking skills have been recognized as a necessary component of nursing education. J Contin Educ Nurs. It gives examples of forms to use for the entire process. During these councils, educational opportunities emerge. Staff Education Judith Bernardini University of Pittsburgh. The U.S. population is growing increasingly diverse. By eliminating unsafe nurse staffing practices and policies, we can provide better health care for all. Another scary idea, for many of us, I’m sure. Example: 1. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. Pool IA, Poell RF, Berings MG, Ten Cate O. Am J Health Syst Pharm. A typical full-time nurse educator might lecture one or two mornings a week, either alone or as part of a team, and then teach a skills lab in the afternoon or evening. "Beam me up, Scotty": designing the future of nursing professional development. 2011;20(1):6-7. The TENSE-study is a cluster randomized controlled study investigating the effects of a continuous educational program on stress experienced by nursing staff (primary outcome) and emotional workload, work satisfaction, stress reactions at work and knowledge about challenging behaviour; and frequency of challenging behavior, quality of life and social engagement of residents. During a mock code, the staff participated in a scenario using a high-fidelity simulation manikin. Med-Surg Matters. "2 Continuing education and staff development are fundamental components of being a professional nurse.3,4 This article examines how one hospital unit designed and implemented a nurse education program intended to engage adult learners and inspire reflection. 2015;20(3):378-386. It is imperative that it is eye catching to grab the interest of the intended reader. Therefore, we also post the educational flyers in high-traffic areas for the intended audience: bathrooms—eye level from the commode and the sinks, breakrooms (especially on the door as they are exiting, as no one is in a hurry to end their break), information boards throughout the units, and near the time clocks. Stacey Hilgemeier, ASN, RN, CMSRN; Jamie Nagel Thomas, BSN, RN, CCRN; Jennifer L. Embree, DNP, RN, NE-BC, CCNS, FAAN, Identifying process breaks that increase risks to patient safety in hospitals results in the need for educational interventions. Clinical nurse educators and education committees are challenged to change staff perceptions to view continuing education and professional development in a more positive light. Code of Ethics for Nurses. One unit's education committee recognized these challenges to staff development and education and decided to implement a new type of nurse education program. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. [Context Link], Join NursingCenter on Social Media to find out the latest news and special offers. The total number of required credits seemed overwhelming to some nurses, so the education team created additional opportunities for staff to complete requirements while also encouraging continuing professional development. Competitions were spirited, which contributed to a fun atmosphere and requests for similar activities in the future. Internationally, the importance of health education is illuminated through the vast amount of nursing research studies The hospital already had a system with online access to learning modules and articles. To address the barrier of staff's negative perceptions of education, goals are designed to involve them in the planning and make the education accessible, fun, and interesting. The right nursing degree from an accredited nursing school can help you advance your career and become a nurse leader. Another idea involved using some of the empty bulletin boards throughout the unit to post topics from current journal articles and other information with quizzes that could be completed for credit. Motives and activities for continuing professional development: an exploration of their relationships by integrating literature and interview data. This demonstration will show the importance of using moisture barriers for incontinence care. 1. This is imperative because without a supportive learning environment, it's difficult for nurses to grow and develop professionally. Deterrents to nurses' participation in continuing professional development: an integrative literature review. Long, lengthy classroom settings do not typically provide the best learning environment. In today's nursing society, a great deal of emphasis is placed on advanced degrees. Shared governance councils are an opportunity to identify excellence as well as process breaks that result in risks to patient safety in hospital settings. … In addition, the principles of Russell SS. Persistent short staffing increases the stress levels of staff and reduces their general well-being, causing more days of absence due to sickness. This needs assessment also asked about their preferred ways to learn. Maintaining staff education and professional development is challenging in today's busy healthcare landscape. Elspeth Raisbeck explains how nurses can fulfil their professional code by using a variety of methods to teach students The NMC Code of Professional Conduct requires us to “facilitate students of nursing and midwifery and others to develop their competence” (NMC 2002, point 6.4). … – Terms & Conditions – Privacy Policy – Disclaimer -- v7.7.6, Changes to Lippincott Professional Development Program, Calming the COVID-19 Storm - Q&A Podcast Series, Improving Health through Board Leadership, Profiles in Nursing Leadership: Pathways to Board Membership, Trust and Spheres of Influence: An Interview with Karen Cox, PhD, RN, FACHE, FAAN, Uniting Technology & Clinicians: An Interview with Molly McCarthy, MBA, RN-BC, Where are our N95s? To become approved instructors in the organization some general medical-surgical patients and their impact on the facility and staff... The ability of all nurses to grow and develop professionally exploration of their relationships by literature... 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