eacea participant portal
Don't have an account. The registration system ass gns a unique Partic pant Identification Code (PIC) to each orgamsatlon. The Participant Register is an online web interface offering registration and data update services for participants via the Funding & tenders Portal.. Novi Funding & Tenders Portal omogoÄa enotno dostopno toÄko do vseh centraliziranih programov EU in pozivov za javna naroÄila ter z njimi povezane postopke. 6.1. EACEA N° 10/2014 Deadline for submission 02/10/2014 as per postmark Project title Field trial on the impact of enabling easy mobility on recognition of external studies Project Acronym EMREX Language used for the Application See annex B for the list of languages that can be used . External evaluations of EACEA to be carried out every three years, including a cost-benefit analysis. Contact. Please, consult this other guide in the case of eProcurement Supplier Portal. Sign in to the portal. Season's greetings . Send a message to this department . For practical details on how to use the Participant Portal, please consult the following ... Helpdesk e-mail address: eacea-helpdesk@ec.europa.eu Helpdesk phone: +32 2 299 0705. Check your contact details. Search Topics. EU Programmes 2014-2020 . How will the organisation be validated - Centralised or Decentralised? Leadership and organisation. Participant Portal , ki je zdaj ukinjen in so ga uporabljali tudi deležniki Ustvarjalne Evrope, je bil primarno vzpostavljen za program Obzorje 2020, drugi programi financiranja EU pa so bili dodani naknadno. Search for staff. 6.1. Participant Portal. See messages from the NDIS. to be made in the Participant Portal: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/PPMT/) 7 A.1 Organisation Parts of this section will be pre-filled with information coming from the Participant Portal. It is your new entry point to EU funding programmes and tenders managed by the European Commission and other EU bodies. First, you will need to log into your Play Football account to access your participant portal. Participant Portal page when a new registration is started or when a draft (partially completed and saved) registration is resumed. Education, Audiovisual and Culture - Organisation chart. Upload a scanned version of the following documents in the Participant Register: the LEAR appointment letter & LEAR role and duties (dated and signed by the legal representative(s) and the LEAR) the Declaration of consent to the Funding & Tenders Portal Terms & Conditions (dated and signed by the legal representative(s)) Without this PIC, the eForm cannot be generated. The Participant Portal allows applicants, to upload or update the information related to their legal status and attach the requested legal and financial documents (see section 14.2. for more information). In MEDIA Development applications, there is only one participating organisation. Page 1 12/12/2013 blanc URF/PP Userâs Guide (2013/12/11) â 1.1 Page 1 of 73. Roberto Carlini. The Participant Portal allows applicants, to upload or update the information related to their legal status and attach the requested legal and financial documents. Important dates for applicants â¢1 February: publication of the Call for proposals â¢22 March: submissiondeadline â¢End of September: notification of results 2. Applications which comply with the following criteria will be subject of an in-depth evaluation. Find a Commission building . Go to the Funding & Tenders Portal Close. Each organisation that is registered in the Participant Portal is allocated a unique Participant Identification Code (PIC). The Participant Portal is the tool through which all legal and financial information related to organisations will be managed. How will the organisation be validated - Centralised or Decentralised? project leader and partners) have to register their organisations in the Education, Audiovisual, Culture, Citizenship and Volunteering Participant Portal and receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC). Go to the Funding & Tenders Portal Close. Participant Portal page when a new registration is started or when a draft (partially completed and saved) registration is resumed. The applicant organisation must ensure that all partner organisations (in case of collaborative partnerships) that will participate in the application have been registered in the EAC/EACEA Participant Portal. Applications are made directly to the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) in Brussels through an online system. These documents have to be uploaded once and will not be requested again for subsequent applications by the same organisation. en; News + View more news. 22/12/2020. Director. See Section 14.2 for more information. 15.2 Registration in the Participant Portal..... 33 15.3 Submission of the grant application ..... 34 15.4 Applicable rules ..... 34 15.5 Contacts..... 35-4-1. The Participant Portal will soon be phased out. CALL FOR PROPOSALS â EACEA/10/14 Erasmus+ programme Key action 3: Support for policy reform â Prospective initiatives European policy experimentations in the fields of education and training and youth: transnational cooperation for the implementation of innovative policies under the leadership of high-level public authorities (2014/C 51/08) 1. Coronavirus impact How the COVID-19 pandemic affects Erasmus+ activities; VET Mobility Charters Encourages organisations that have proven quality in organising VET mobility. PARTICIPANT REGISTER â The Registration Process Introduction. Eligible bodies. Updates. User's Guide of the Unique Registration Facility (URF) and Participant Portal for Education, Audio-visual, Culture, You can access the Guide for Beneficiaries by logging into Mobility Tool+ using your EU Login. The new, corporate Funding and Tenders Portal replaces the Participant Portal with all its functions. It is a secure website portal on the Australian Governmentâs myGov website where you or a person you trust (a nominee or child representative) can access your NDIS information. 14.2 Registration in the Participant Portal 33 14.3 Submission of grant applications 33 14.4 Rules applicable 34 14.5 Contacts 34 Annex 1 - Glossary 35 Annex 2 â mandatory documents â check list 38 All the necessary documentation to apply, in particular the online application form (eForm) and the guide for applicants, can be found at: They also take into account the priorities stemming from the policy cooperation established at Resources and tools . The Participant Register is an online web interface offering registration and data update services for participants via the Funding & tenders Portal as well as the Education, Audio-visual, Culture, Citizenship and Volunteering Participant Portal and the eProcureme nt Supplier Portal. 6. What can I do on the myplace portal? INTRODUCTION â BACKGROUND These guidelines are based on Regulation No 1295/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11/12/2013 concerning the implementation of a programme of ⦠Data Update. Step 1 â Go to the Eacea Ec Europa Eu Participant Portal official login page via our official link below. M ake sure that you log into your Play Football account using the original method that you created your account with using either your email address & password or using your social login. If you have any issues, please follow our troubleshooting guide below. EACEA. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA. 3rd Health ⦠All organisations that seek to be included as a partic pant n a fund ng app cation or Wish to app y for an accreditation, must first have registered in EACEA's Participant Portal. Page 7 22/06/2015 blanc URF/PP Userâs Guide (2014/02/21) â 2.0 Page 7 of 73 Note for organisations registered via the Research Executive Agency Participant Portal, participating in research ⦠Calls H2020 . 6. In order to be able to create the eForm, applicants (i.e. If ⦠For centralised actions within the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes, registration is carried out in the Participant Portal, now SEDIA Funding & Tenders portal. The URF Registration Wizard displays any possible duplicate organisations during the registration process. English (658.5 KB - PDF) Download PDF - 658.5 KB. EU Programmes 2014-2020 . Templates of annexes to be completed and uploaded with the e-Form: 1. ⦠The new, corporate Funding and Tenders Portal replaces the Participant Portal with all its functions. If you have questions on the content of the eForm and the Annexes, please contact EACEA-EPLUS-CBHE@ec.europa.eu Compulsory annexes. Joint Prior-checking Opinion regarding the management of experts in the Participant Portal (under H2020 IT tools) in a number of Executive Agencies and Joint Undertakings - EDPS cases: C-2017-1073 BBI, C-2017-1063 EACEA, C-2017-1085 REA, C- 2017-1075 SESAR, C-2017-1038 INEA, C- 2017-1053 CHAFEA and C-2017-0976 EASME. The tool also allows applicants to upload different documents related to their organisation. The European Commission has launched a new online guide for using the Mobility Tool+. It is your new entry point to EU funding programmes and tenders managed by the European Commission and other EU bodies. Page 1 15/01/2014 blanc URF/PP Userâs Guide (2013/12/06) â 1.0 Page 1 of 73. Note: This user guide is designed to assist the users for funding opportunities. The rest must be completed manually. EMREX Page 2 of 71 PART A. Search Topics. 7. Updates. User's Guide of the Unique Registration Facility (URF) and Participant Portal for Education, Audio-visual, Culture, Citizenship and Volunteering The NDIS participant portal is called myplace. The URF Registration Wizard is invoked from the Participant Portal page when a new registration is started or when a draft (partially completed and saved) registration is resumed. GUIDELINES â EACEA 13/2017 Promotion of European Works Online 1. Tools and documents for organisations and individuals to get started with ⦠These actions are managed by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency ( EACEA) together with other programmes such as Creative Europe, Europe for Citizens, EU Aid Volunteers . If the formal notification in the Participant Portal isn't opened for a period of more than 10 days (for projects) the Agency will consider the formal notification acknowledged. Participant Portal for the Education Programme Erasmus+, Audio-visual, Culture, ... EACEA-PORTAL-EUROPE-FOR-CITIZ@EC.EUROPA.EU EACEA-PORTAL-EU-AID-VOLUNTEER@EC.EUROPA.EU . A CDR Participant Portal account is required if seeking to apply for accreditation or if your organisation is required to be a data holder. To apply for a grant you will first have to register your company or organisation through the EACEA Participant Portal and receive a Participant Identification Code (PIC). The URF Registration Wizard uses a heuristic method of detection of organisation duplicates during the registration process. The URF Registration Wizard displays any possible duplicate organisations during the registration process. After you click on the link, it will open in a new tab so that you can continue to see the guide and follow the troubleshooting steps if ⦠The new online guide includes step-by-step instructions for using the tool as well helpful screenshots. ⦠3rd Health ⦠With a CDR Participant Portal account, you can manage your organisationâs participation in the CDR. Registration of organisations The Participant Portal is an electronic platform used to manage the Erasmus+ programme. The Participant Portal will soon be phased out. Full details. See your current plan and previous plans. INTRODUCTION These guidelines are based on Regulation No 1295/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing the Creative Europe Programme (2014-2020)1 and the corrigendum of the 27/06/20142. Follow the link here to the European Commissionâs Mobility Tool+ homepage. EACEA 4 1. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Applications which comply with the following criteria will be subject of an in-depth evaluation. Calls H2020 .
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